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¿What is Free Trade Zone Iguazu?

In our company, ECHEVERRIA ASOCIADOS S.R.L., we are knoun for offering aourclients constant and specific assessments regarding international trade. We keep perfecting ourselves by maintaining updated not only on Zona Francaproduction methods but also on every legal issue that arises. These actualizations on new laws help to the correct development and fundamental aspects of any international commerce operation.


Last but not least an important commercialdevelopment for the area was created. This was the Free Trade Zone. Free Trade Zone is located in a stategic territory in the northeast of Argentina. Its location is unique since it's in the northern part of Misiones province in the border with the important members of Mercosur (International Common trade for the South) Brazil and Paraguay.


Free Trade Zone is and extra-customs territory in which every product that comes in or out of that territory is not Deposito ZFPItaxed. And any other regulation that may apply to merchandises under regular circumstances does not apply in Free Trade Zone.


The merchandise that is stocked in Free Trade Zone that came from diferent countries can be brought in, stored and exported exempt from customs fees and the Value Added Tax (VAT), and where companies operate under special tax benefits. While in Free Trade Zone the merchandise would be costumed in order to keep them in condition to ship them. Such as divide them in boxes, change their presentation and classified those products.